

Yes, this post is about Cialis. No, it's not a mistake!

We've seen these Cialis commercials for months, I mean MONTHS. I have to tell you what bothers me about them. They're about taking pills for "intimate moments" with your spouse, right??? So why in the WORLD do they show a man and woman sitting in two separate bath tubs at the end??? Just curious. That's really been bothering me. I just don't get it. Of course, when they show them in the tubs, the tubs are also outdoors....so that should bother me too. I just don't get it!

If you care to shed light on why...leave a comment and tell me!


Anonymous said...

Maybe by the time you get to the point where you need "Cialis", two bath tubs are all the intimacy that you need!!! Just pondering!!!

Anonymous said...

Proving the point that a woman's idea of a romantic evening and a guys romantic evening are polar opposites :)