
I will never get used to.....

....being called "big" in reference to how much space I take up just because I'm pregnant. People feel it's ok to constantly comment on your size just because you're pregnant...and I find that rather rude. If you want to comment on my "cute belly" you go right ahead! :) Just don't tell me how fat I am!

....people I don't know really well touching my belly. I am not a lamp with a genie inside! Close friends and family, touch it! I don't mind. Hopefully you'll feel Alex kick! :) Everyone else....maybe think twice before inviting yourself in for a belly rub. I have serious space issues...and you are violating my space!

You could call this the rantings of a pregnant woman....because I'm ranting and I'm pregnant...but I have spoken to many women who feel the same way. So....respect the pregnancy hormones! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should get a ruler, one of the old wooden ones, and just smack those fingers that are touching your belly!