
One Year Old

We had Maleah's first birthday Saturday. Bob will post later on the excitement of that day.

I wanted to mention the sadness of that day. I mentioned the other day how I wished as she was a fussy baby, that she would grow up quickly so she would get out of that stage. Saturday night, I was laying her down, and felt this huge sorrow wash over me. I struggled just to lay her down to sleep. I cried (which seems silly now) because all of a sudden she's this big girl...she's not a baby anymore. I have spent the last 10 months away from her. I like my job, I do, but I HATE that I have spent 4-6 days away from her each week since March 5 of last year. I hate that I am not home with her everyday. It doesn't matter how great the person babysitting her is (which we are so grateful for Stacy and all she does)...it's still the hardest thing to walk out that door every single day, knowing that is one more day that I am missing with her.

I'm grateful that my job allows me Fridays off through most of the year, that I can spend that extra quality time with her...and I cannot WAIT for it to come around again! Everyone be praying that I can get all of my work out ASAP...the sooner I get this stuff done, the sooner I am home with her on Fridays again! I am guessing 3 weeks or so....which seems like forever away!

We'll post pictures soon too. She was such a BIG GIRL! :)

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