
The Sweetest Thing...

My little girl is the sweetest thing...and she knows so much. The sweetest thing she has begun doing breaks my heart. She lays on her changing table (for reasons that are obvious) and Emily's shadowbox is above the wall where her head is. She will arch her back and turn her head to strain to see the shadowbox, point, and say "baby". So I will tell her "Emily", and she will try so hard to say Emily. The other day I told her "sissy" and she said it back. She pointed and said sissy.

Last night, she kept looking at it, so I picked her up and took her over to it. She grinned really big. I told her "Mwa" and blew a kiss at it, and she did the same thing. She put her little tiny hand up to her mouth and blew the box a kiss.

Though Emily's not in that box, I just think it's so sweet that Maleah noticed it, and continues to notice it and pay attention to it. She must know it's special.


Bob Speakman said...

It is sooo sweet. I love that baby so much. That is the innocence of a child...though she doesn't understand it, she knows that there is something special on the wall.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.