
A Saturday of Awesomeness!

We had a fantastic weekend! A weekend to get away on our "vacation" for the forget about the house, or work, or anything else going on and just relax, enjoying our weekend together.

We went down to Cincinnati on Saturday to the Zoo, then booked a hotel to stay all night because Time Warner (the totally awesome company that it is!) sponsored for it's employees a day at Kings Island on Sunday.

We left early Saturday morning, around 8:15 and had a safe trip to the zoo. The Cincinnati Zoo is by far the most awesome place! It was hot, but it was fun! I think our favorites were the polar bears and the jungle area (which was made to look more like a jungle than a zoo). There were mist machines, which helped keep us cool (aside from Maleah wigging out around one of them). We really just had a great time. When we left there, we went to the hotel.

The Hotel...Maleah is definately a Speakman. Bob has always loved hotels, so much so that he wanted to work in one when he was younger (hehe). Maleah was having a blast running from one end of the room to the other, kissing the baby in the mirror, and trying her hardest to hurt herself by running off the end of the bed (that was exhausting). :) She got a bath and then it was off to dinner...

Ahhh....Cracker Barrel (and cheaper than food at the zoo!). You get hefty portions of delicious food with excellent service. Serve that up with a good baby and a fantastic thunderstorm to watch from the giant window and it's all the fixings for a perfect dinner! The gift shop presented us with Maleah falling in love with a Ty Diego doll (miniature), so of course we HAD to get it for her! It WAS a vacation, after all! From there we were going to go to Target...but Barnes & Noble got in the way!

The beauty of Barnes & Noble. We'd never been to one before...but the children's area was enough to make us want to go back. We saw book upon book that we wanted to buy for Maleah...but she only walked away with 3. Can't call it spoiled when it encourages reading! She had a blast in there too! From there we decided to go back to the hotel, where Maleah was in bed by 9 and slept until 7. I cannot express how proud we were of her. We kept the routine that we have at home (and she's ALWAYS been excellent about going right to bed). So when it was time, she knew it and she gave in.

Sunday to come...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you guys had such a fantastic weekend :)

Love Ya!