
Wish someone would have told me....

I wish someone would have told me how quickly Maleah would grow up. Not just in life in general...though I still can't believe that she's 2...but with having Alex.

Sunday night, April 5th, I went to bed and she was my baby. April 7th, I came home, and she wasn't a baby anymore.

If I'd have known just how fast she would seem so incredibly big, I would have held her longer that Sunday night....I would have let her stay up a little later....made sure I got down (no matter how uncomfortable I would be) and played with her all day long. I would have made that day last.

She'll always be my baby girl....but she is definately NOT a baby anymore.

I am so incredibly proud of her (even in her fit-throwing, I'm not listening to you and I'm rolling my eyes moments). She's an amazing little girl and getting bigger by the day. She moved up out of her nursery class and she was so excited to be playing with the big kids. She amazes me day by day and moment by moment. She's totally awesome.

But if I'd have known she'd grow up that fast.....I'd have held on just a little longer....


Bob Speakman said...

It breaks my heart to read it because I know what you mean.

She seemed so small still... then we had Alex. I changed his diaper and when I changed hers the next day she seemed huge! :(

We cannot keep her as a baby (as much as we'd love to!) because she's too smart and too big to dwarf her like that.

I'll still keep calling her baby - not in the "your my little baby" kind of way... but as a term of endearment between a parent and child.

I love my girl. "It won't be like this for long" keeps getting harder to listen to.

Anonymous said...

There is still time to hold on. It is never to late!

Brooke said...

Maleah loves you both soooo very much. I can see that when I come over and the way she talks with you guys she absolutely adores you. She may seem big to you, but to her you're still her wonderful mommy and daddy- :)

Love ya!