
Confession #3

My cousin Crystal received a homemade ice cream machine and brought it to my house when she stayed the night, wanting us to make ice cream together....I thought that was a TERRIFIC idea. I loved doing things with those kids all the time! So we get it out...and I get out all of the ingredients we need...the flavoring...salt...milk...etc....We're mixing everything up and it's going great. One small part of the directions were a little confusing to me, but I worries! I figured it out (or so I thought) and we moved on...but for some reason it didn't work. I was so confused, I followed the directions EXACTLY. Yeah, sure....It called for half & I put in HALF of the salt...and HALF of the milk...Yes, it's true. That IS what I thought half & half was. The saddest part of this entire story??? We lived in the box at the it was only 5 years ago.

:( The shame I feel!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OH NO !!! Not the " BOX " !!!!