
Confession #18

I didn't used to like church. Sure, I love it now. Love Sunday School, love worship, love the people there, Pastor is awesome, love being so in God's presence....But long, long ago (20 years actually), I did NOT like it. When I was around 5 years old, we went to VBS at Jefferson Ave. church. It was my first church experience. The first day in class, I was crying...and some mean boy kept making fun of me. I couldn't stop crying. So I had to sit on the lap of one of the teachers. It was awful! I remember sitting at the table, my head down in my arms, crying but not wanting anyone to see, and that kid running his mouth! Things must have gotten better because I don't remember anything else until the end of the week. One of our projects we got to do was to paint these big ceramic bunnies. They were very big to me....probably about 5 inches long, and 3 inches high. I remember being so excited when I went to pick mine up....and it was GONE. Someone took it!!! I couldn't believe it! So what did they give me instead??? A tiny bunny, about 1.5" tall, sitting on a small wooden block. Whoopee! Church was not something I wanted to go back to after that. My mom would mention that we should go...and I would say no, we don't need to...whatever I could to get out of it. I feared something going bad again.

Satan works hard to keep you out of church...but don't let him stop you. God is the most wonderful thing in the world, and if Bob hadn't come into my life, who knows how long it may have taken for me to find Him.


Anonymous said...

Thank GOD for Bob!!

Bob Speakman said...

I'm so glad we're Christians and that we are at CBC. Don't give me to much credit though. God used me to bring you to church. He used you to open my eyes to the truth of His saving power. Praise God for you!