I used to use this as a place to vent when something was really bothering me. It felt good to write it out. I enjoy writing, always have, and it was a good hiding place. But it's not a place to hide anymore. I feel like my freedom to express myself was taken away. I miss it. I've barely blogged in the past year and I miss it terribly. But now I am always wondering about what I'm saying, who will read it? will it be used against me? and it is more difficult to just let the words out...
It's no fun to live in the past...but what do you do when you feel bound there by others? Just let it go? Accept it? Move on?
I'm not a bad person. People who know me know that. I like to keep to myself, have my small circle of fantastic friends, my family, my wonderful children. I don't want to be ruled by something I can't control. I think that's my answer.
God knows my sins. He knows my sorrow and regrets. He knows my hurt and my pain. What I really need to do is just give it over to Him and be ME. If I am me, and people don't like me, atleast I am being true to who I am and not fake and unhappy. Or if I AM unhappy, atleast I'm still happy being ME! :)
I refuse to be ruled by the past! I refuse to be bound there, by myself or others. The Lord doesn't want me there, and if I give Him control....then I WON'T be there!
Ok.... Thanks for listening. What do you know!? It's still therapeutic after all!
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 2 Thes. 5:16-18
Too Much For Words...
Our kids are awesome. Totally awesome. I have missed blogging and telling you all about them and what they are up to. I'm going to try to do that now...
Sometimes Alex "talks" with his mouth shut...so it's more like a big groan.
Maleah asks "Why?" but doesn't know why she's asking it half the time.
Alex is all boy but squeals like a little girl sometimes. It's soooo funny!
Maleah loves to play pretend, with her dollhouses, or even just her hands :)
Alex has had to hold a lovey since he was a month old!
Maleah still doesn't eat much...but I think we're up to about 6 total foods!
****I recorded the above on August 18th and never got to finish my post...How sad :( These two are amazing and I miss blogging but they are so much more fun :) ****
Maleah is talking so big....full sentences and all. She remembers everything...even showed me where she hid when she drew on her pants this morning. :) She knows to hide but doesn't know not to tell ;) That's a good thing :) She's eating better and sleep is on and off good....but she is amazing. We've watched her turn from this baby to this big kid. She doesn't like to play alot with kids her own age....but babies she adores, older kids she tries to be like, and adults she does ok with once the shyness is gone. She's polite most of the time and only throws fits when she's tired or hungry. She has quite the personality. She still asks why and doesn't understand why she's even asking....so when she does that I just ignore her :) She loves to take pictures of everything and does a wonderful job at it too :) She loves to paint and color and draws very good faces for a 2 year old :) She can operate the computer with ease, playing games on NickJr.com, typing messages and sending faces to her daddy on Yahoo Messenger and pulling up and watching her iTunes shows and DVDs. She loves Miss Amy at church and calls it "Miss Amy's House". She has begun praying over her meals, the "God is great" prayer....and is so proud of herself for it. She loves her mommy and daddy. She is a totally mommy's girl at the moment...hardly allowing anyone else to do anything for her...it's all mommy. She adores her baby brother. She takes care of him, being the first to go in his room when he wakes from a nap, turning off his fan and telling him "Hi buddy, Hi, Nice Boy". She asks for her Gramma every day and called her Papa yesterday to tell him "Who-Dey!!!" after the Bengals won :) She is an amazing little girl and I am so blessed that the Lord would allow me to spend even a moment of my day with her.
Alex is so big! You have no idea! He has this mop on top of his head...he's had 3 trims so far and I think we'll have to go full-blown cut. It's so thick it looks like a (phonetically) two-pay :) (have NO idea how to spell that!). It's a beautiful reddish brownish orange and just gorgeous. He's as silly as I've ever seen for a 6 month old. He loves playing "Peeky-boo" with Maleah and cracks up at her. He talks to her all the time. Baby Jacey at our friend's house was crying (2 weeks old) and he was mimicking her because he thought she was talking to him. He loves to squeal and has started to growl too. He's just in the last week or two started to say "Mamamamama" which I am thrilled with :) He eats up to 3 jars per meal on his baby food stage 1's and as soon as these are all eaten, he's ready for stage 2 :) He's been opening his mouth for food since he was about 2 months old so I'm not surprised at his eating :) He's been wearing 6-9 month clothes for about a month...he's SOOO long. Currently over the 95% on height....Bob says wide receiver for the Buckeyes :) He's just begun sitting up, he rolls from one side of the living room to the other with ease...and oh so fast. :) He gets to excited to get a bottle...he'll cry like there's no tomorrow and as soon as that bottle is in sight, his body starts shaking and he exhales these little breaths until he gets it...perfectly calm in half a second. He loves attention and will do whatever he has to do to get it. He loves to turn upside down....which I think he's too young for, but he doesn't care :) There are no boundaries for him :) He gets so excited to see his Papa, flailing and jumping in your arms until he takes him. He cries almost every day when I get home until I pick him up....a mama's boy I guess :) He's such a good boy and just so pleasant to be around :) He's observant always watching everything and wants to be big so bad! I thought having Maleah was a blessing, but you add a second...Alex is so different and so amazing in his own ways. He has made our family complete.
When people ask me about my kids, most of the time I can just smile and say "They are awesome" because my heart explodes with love and pride over them and if I get started talking about them I can hardly stop. They are amazing. God is so good. How someone can look at these miracles and not know that there is a Creator out there....whom we should be bowing down and thanking every day that He would allow us to be in the presence of something so precious.
If you haven't gotten to be around them....you should :) These are two of the most amazing individuals God has ever created :) Golly, we just love love love them :)
(Sorry for the long paragraphs...like I said, once I start, it's hard to stop!)
Sometimes Alex "talks" with his mouth shut...so it's more like a big groan.
Maleah asks "Why?" but doesn't know why she's asking it half the time.
Alex is all boy but squeals like a little girl sometimes. It's soooo funny!
Maleah loves to play pretend, with her dollhouses, or even just her hands :)
Alex has had to hold a lovey since he was a month old!
Maleah still doesn't eat much...but I think we're up to about 6 total foods!
****I recorded the above on August 18th and never got to finish my post...How sad :( These two are amazing and I miss blogging but they are so much more fun :) ****
Maleah is talking so big....full sentences and all. She remembers everything...even showed me where she hid when she drew on her pants this morning. :) She knows to hide but doesn't know not to tell ;) That's a good thing :) She's eating better and sleep is on and off good....but she is amazing. We've watched her turn from this baby to this big kid. She doesn't like to play alot with kids her own age....but babies she adores, older kids she tries to be like, and adults she does ok with once the shyness is gone. She's polite most of the time and only throws fits when she's tired or hungry. She has quite the personality. She still asks why and doesn't understand why she's even asking....so when she does that I just ignore her :) She loves to take pictures of everything and does a wonderful job at it too :) She loves to paint and color and draws very good faces for a 2 year old :) She can operate the computer with ease, playing games on NickJr.com, typing messages and sending faces to her daddy on Yahoo Messenger and pulling up and watching her iTunes shows and DVDs. She loves Miss Amy at church and calls it "Miss Amy's House". She has begun praying over her meals, the "God is great" prayer....and is so proud of herself for it. She loves her mommy and daddy. She is a totally mommy's girl at the moment...hardly allowing anyone else to do anything for her...it's all mommy. She adores her baby brother. She takes care of him, being the first to go in his room when he wakes from a nap, turning off his fan and telling him "Hi buddy, Hi, Nice Boy". She asks for her Gramma every day and called her Papa yesterday to tell him "Who-Dey!!!" after the Bengals won :) She is an amazing little girl and I am so blessed that the Lord would allow me to spend even a moment of my day with her.
Alex is so big! You have no idea! He has this mop on top of his head...he's had 3 trims so far and I think we'll have to go full-blown cut. It's so thick it looks like a (phonetically) two-pay :) (have NO idea how to spell that!). It's a beautiful reddish brownish orange and just gorgeous. He's as silly as I've ever seen for a 6 month old. He loves playing "Peeky-boo" with Maleah and cracks up at her. He talks to her all the time. Baby Jacey at our friend's house was crying (2 weeks old) and he was mimicking her because he thought she was talking to him. He loves to squeal and has started to growl too. He's just in the last week or two started to say "Mamamamama" which I am thrilled with :) He eats up to 3 jars per meal on his baby food stage 1's and as soon as these are all eaten, he's ready for stage 2 :) He's been opening his mouth for food since he was about 2 months old so I'm not surprised at his eating :) He's been wearing 6-9 month clothes for about a month...he's SOOO long. Currently over the 95% on height....Bob says wide receiver for the Buckeyes :) He's just begun sitting up, he rolls from one side of the living room to the other with ease...and oh so fast. :) He gets to excited to get a bottle...he'll cry like there's no tomorrow and as soon as that bottle is in sight, his body starts shaking and he exhales these little breaths until he gets it...perfectly calm in half a second. He loves attention and will do whatever he has to do to get it. He loves to turn upside down....which I think he's too young for, but he doesn't care :) There are no boundaries for him :) He gets so excited to see his Papa, flailing and jumping in your arms until he takes him. He cries almost every day when I get home until I pick him up....a mama's boy I guess :) He's such a good boy and just so pleasant to be around :) He's observant always watching everything and wants to be big so bad! I thought having Maleah was a blessing, but you add a second...Alex is so different and so amazing in his own ways. He has made our family complete.
When people ask me about my kids, most of the time I can just smile and say "They are awesome" because my heart explodes with love and pride over them and if I get started talking about them I can hardly stop. They are amazing. God is so good. How someone can look at these miracles and not know that there is a Creator out there....whom we should be bowing down and thanking every day that He would allow us to be in the presence of something so precious.
If you haven't gotten to be around them....you should :) These are two of the most amazing individuals God has ever created :) Golly, we just love love love them :)
(Sorry for the long paragraphs...like I said, once I start, it's hard to stop!)
My Man's First Haircut...
Things to Ponder
Ok...I was talking to Bob Friday...and I wonder...
Why is it "prove" and not "proove"
but it's "groove" and not "grove" ???
Why is it "prove" and not "proove"
but it's "groove" and not "grove" ???
My Apologies...
With little time during the day I've been facebooking more than blogging...not that I don't want to blog...there's just not enough time! Hopefully I'll get there soon. :) Sorry! :(
My Man...
My little man was a big man last night...he slept unswaddled for the first time and didn't wake up any more than usual :) He did fantastic! Loves to lay on his side with his bug (pacifier) and lovey (burp cloth). He did just wonderfully! He gets his first haircut (trim) this evening...hair's down below his eyes already! He's just so awesome!!!
Well, I started back to work...then my back got worse...and I was off Thurs. last week (closed Friday). I'm back this week and nice and busy, which makes those 4 hours go fast. I miss my babies...and love coming home to Maleah's loving hugs and excited "Mommy's home!" Alex sees me and grins and gets so excited, and he talks so big now! I can't wait to show more pictures...there's one my dad took that is SOOOO Alex!!!
I am so thankful to be home with the kids. I couldn't ask for anything more. Alex is snoozing and Maleah's getting her babies ready for us to give them bubble baths :) We are gonna have a great time! It'll be fun to get her outside when Alex wakes up too! :)
I am so incredibly blessed. God is so good. That's such an inadequate statement to describe how thankful I am. But the extent of my thankfulness bursts from my heart, and I know He knows!
It was awesome seeing all of my family last week. Maleah likes to lay on our table and point out who everyone is in the picture. She hasn't forgotten hardly anyone. Even the two Cole's don't confuse her :)
It's a beautiful day today! I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am :)
Remember....SMILE! :) If you don't feel like it, do it anyway! And if you keep doing it, eventually you won't even realize you are! :)
I am so thankful to be home with the kids. I couldn't ask for anything more. Alex is snoozing and Maleah's getting her babies ready for us to give them bubble baths :) We are gonna have a great time! It'll be fun to get her outside when Alex wakes up too! :)
I am so incredibly blessed. God is so good. That's such an inadequate statement to describe how thankful I am. But the extent of my thankfulness bursts from my heart, and I know He knows!
It was awesome seeing all of my family last week. Maleah likes to lay on our table and point out who everyone is in the picture. She hasn't forgotten hardly anyone. Even the two Cole's don't confuse her :)
It's a beautiful day today! I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am :)
Remember....SMILE! :) If you don't feel like it, do it anyway! And if you keep doing it, eventually you won't even realize you are! :)
Back to Work...
Well, it's off to work today (shortened hours yes, but still leaving my babies). :(
I tell ya what though...it's like Alex knows! First, he slept ALL night...didn't wake up until about 6:15! That's the longest he's ever slept! Second, he didn't just fall back to sleep after his bottle! He stayed up and played and laughed with me :)He wanted alone time with Mommy! :) I'm going to miss him so much! :( Maleah too!
Please pray for me if you can....just that I'll be able to focus there while missing them like CRAZY!!!!
I tell ya what though...it's like Alex knows! First, he slept ALL night...didn't wake up until about 6:15! That's the longest he's ever slept! Second, he didn't just fall back to sleep after his bottle! He stayed up and played and laughed with me :)He wanted alone time with Mommy! :) I'm going to miss him so much! :( Maleah too!
Please pray for me if you can....just that I'll be able to focus there while missing them like CRAZY!!!!
My Own Random Passing Thoughts...
Who knew the weapons of mass destruction that Bush was looking for would be found in the persons making up the new administration? Between them, the dems in the senate and house...it seems like the hopes of this country are fading. Don't get me wrong though...Biden makes it entertaining atleast...
Speaking of entertaining, saw on the news that Perez Hilton called another person a gay slur...Talk about LOL. Tell me, Perez, when you say something's gay do you think about what you say???...
Speaking of gay...how about the government spending over $400G to research why men in Argentina are meeting for "special time" in public restrooms...what an EXCELLENT use of our taxpayer dollars!...
Speaking of taxpayer dollars, how about the $450G our government spent to find out why men don't want to wear the "glove" during the "fun times"...
Speaking of fun times, lots of family is coming up this weekend to spend the week of the 4th with all of us...I am SOOOO looking forward to that!...
Speaking of family, I'm going to have to start leaving mine next week to go back to work :( Sad, but thanks to an awesome employer I get to cut my hours way back to spend time with the kids!...
Speaking of spending time...this is not a great use of mine while the kids are sleeping!
I don't know how Bob keeps up on the random passing thoughts...I can't do it! It's exhausting!
Off to do my Bible study...but the kids are fantastic, Alex is sooo big! Maleah's been sleeping in her big girl bed and hasn't exited her room without permission for a week and a half! Bob is Bob :) I am gearing up to go back to work Monday. Gotta do it, so why dread it??? Atleast not until Sunday night, when I look at those two beautiful faces and know that I'll miss them for 4 hours the next morning. :( My boss is so great working with me though. I feel led to be home more, so it's great that he's working with me. No manipulation, no back & forth, I knew what God wanted of me and I asked. Praise the Lord it was answered! They are truly amazing kids and I am so proud of them. :)
I got to go to a Paints game last night with my dad for Father's Day, just the two of us, and we had alot of fun :) :) The hot dogs still rock! Next Tuesday is dime-a-dog night...sad I'll miss it!
There are prayer requests I have...remember Rodney Lens, Beth and her family and all they are going through, and those hurting for losses recently suffered. Every new bad thing that pops up is just a reminder that this world is NOT our home and I praise the Lord for that!
Times a wastin'! Gotta go!
No apologies here! :)
Speaking of entertaining, saw on the news that Perez Hilton called another person a gay slur...Talk about LOL. Tell me, Perez, when you say something's gay do you think about what you say???...
Speaking of gay...how about the government spending over $400G to research why men in Argentina are meeting for "special time" in public restrooms...what an EXCELLENT use of our taxpayer dollars!...
Speaking of taxpayer dollars, how about the $450G our government spent to find out why men don't want to wear the "glove" during the "fun times"...
Speaking of fun times, lots of family is coming up this weekend to spend the week of the 4th with all of us...I am SOOOO looking forward to that!...
Speaking of family, I'm going to have to start leaving mine next week to go back to work :( Sad, but thanks to an awesome employer I get to cut my hours way back to spend time with the kids!...
Speaking of spending time...this is not a great use of mine while the kids are sleeping!
I don't know how Bob keeps up on the random passing thoughts...I can't do it! It's exhausting!
Off to do my Bible study...but the kids are fantastic, Alex is sooo big! Maleah's been sleeping in her big girl bed and hasn't exited her room without permission for a week and a half! Bob is Bob :) I am gearing up to go back to work Monday. Gotta do it, so why dread it??? Atleast not until Sunday night, when I look at those two beautiful faces and know that I'll miss them for 4 hours the next morning. :( My boss is so great working with me though. I feel led to be home more, so it's great that he's working with me. No manipulation, no back & forth, I knew what God wanted of me and I asked. Praise the Lord it was answered! They are truly amazing kids and I am so proud of them. :)
I got to go to a Paints game last night with my dad for Father's Day, just the two of us, and we had alot of fun :) :) The hot dogs still rock! Next Tuesday is dime-a-dog night...sad I'll miss it!
There are prayer requests I have...remember Rodney Lens, Beth and her family and all they are going through, and those hurting for losses recently suffered. Every new bad thing that pops up is just a reminder that this world is NOT our home and I praise the Lord for that!
Times a wastin'! Gotta go!
No apologies here! :)
Maleah dressing herself....
More of Maleah and Alex
Two Months Old!
Alex had his 2 month appointment today. He did excellent! He was in the best mood the entire time we were in there (until the shots at the end). He loves to play so he was happy as could be just laying there and playing on the table. He weighs in at 12 lbs. 4 oz...2 lbs since last month. That's about 75%. His length was 25.5"...so he gained another 1.5" since last month and tops over the 100% mark on height. He's gonna be a tall fella. :) The doctor LOVED his head control and mobility, his ability to push himself up on his arms, as well as his legs. One wrong (or right) push and that guy's rolling over! He had to take an immunization by mouth (which he took the entire thing without hesitation) and he had 3 shots. He took them like a little man. I was so proud of him! Pray that he doesn't get the nasty feverishness that can come with the shots...right now he's sleeping soundly. :) He was just so incredibly good! He's my boy...I love him so much!
Pics of Alex
Some Pics of Maleah....
These first 3 pics are Maleah at the zoo. We got her one of the backback baby harness things so we could let her walk without her taking off. It was adorable. I only made her fall down once too!



These next 2 pics are just showing off her pony tail...We've been able to pull it back now and she loves it! :)




These next 2 pics are just showing off her pony tail...We've been able to pull it back now and she loves it! :)


Thank You's
Ok...so no matter how great the intentions...I never got thank you card's sent out to everyone who got us gifts and gift cards for Alex...It's officially a lost cause. So I just want to thank everyone that did from the bottom of my heart. Please don't take the lack of card as a lack of caring...Each and every gift has been a blessing to us. The gift cards have saved us too...because we are still using them to buy all of Alex's food, diapers, etc. and they have been fantastic.
Thank you all so much!!!
Thank you all so much!!!
Maleah & Alex...
They are so sweet!
Alex has to hold a lovey when he's tired. I've never seen a 7 week old who needs a lovey...but as soon as you put one in his hands he begins to relax. So sweet :)
He gets so incredibly worked up when he's hungry. And when you take the bottle away to burp him too soon...he wines this adorable little whine...like he can't believe you would dare do that to him. And the pucker face he makes when he does it...it breaks your heart.
He loves his sister. If she's around and talking...he's watching (unless he's sleeping, of course). ;)
He loves to sleep on his belly. When we swaddle him at night, he's like a beast getting out of that thing! He's so tough for such a little guy....
He looks so wise. Always watching and observing. He doesn't seem like a little baby...he seems like a little man.
Maleah just loves him. She'll get right up in his face when he's laying down and talk to him and kiss him and call him a "nice boy". Yesterday she got her book "Meet Blue's Baby Brother" and held it up right next to his face and was "reading" to him...pointing out to him who all the characters were on the pages. It was adorable. She loves to hold him too. She'll climb up next to me on the couch and say "Hold Alex please" over and over until I let her "hold" him. She always, always, always wants a bottle to feed him when she holds him too.
We went outside last night and she took her baby for a walk. She tucked her in, would stop to put the sun shade over her head, made sure she was fed....she's so sweet...pays attention to everything.
I did my first set of taebo yesterday while Alex was sleeping. Maleah was doing it too. Cracking up the whole time. She even ripped the side of her diaper and it popped off. She had the best time though.
They both love to be outside. Alex will sleep for hours under the shade of the tree in his pack 'n play. Maleah will do everything...the fence my dad put up is amazing! She loves the outside...but it makes it so much easier to have her play when you don't have to chase her around front!
That's all for now! ;)
Alex has to hold a lovey when he's tired. I've never seen a 7 week old who needs a lovey...but as soon as you put one in his hands he begins to relax. So sweet :)
He gets so incredibly worked up when he's hungry. And when you take the bottle away to burp him too soon...he wines this adorable little whine...like he can't believe you would dare do that to him. And the pucker face he makes when he does it...it breaks your heart.
He loves his sister. If she's around and talking...he's watching (unless he's sleeping, of course). ;)
He loves to sleep on his belly. When we swaddle him at night, he's like a beast getting out of that thing! He's so tough for such a little guy....
He looks so wise. Always watching and observing. He doesn't seem like a little baby...he seems like a little man.
Maleah just loves him. She'll get right up in his face when he's laying down and talk to him and kiss him and call him a "nice boy". Yesterday she got her book "Meet Blue's Baby Brother" and held it up right next to his face and was "reading" to him...pointing out to him who all the characters were on the pages. It was adorable. She loves to hold him too. She'll climb up next to me on the couch and say "Hold Alex please" over and over until I let her "hold" him. She always, always, always wants a bottle to feed him when she holds him too.
We went outside last night and she took her baby for a walk. She tucked her in, would stop to put the sun shade over her head, made sure she was fed....she's so sweet...pays attention to everything.
I did my first set of taebo yesterday while Alex was sleeping. Maleah was doing it too. Cracking up the whole time. She even ripped the side of her diaper and it popped off. She had the best time though.
They both love to be outside. Alex will sleep for hours under the shade of the tree in his pack 'n play. Maleah will do everything...the fence my dad put up is amazing! She loves the outside...but it makes it so much easier to have her play when you don't have to chase her around front!
That's all for now! ;)
Cry Out to Jesus
I've been thinking about people in my life who are hurting....I wanted to share this song...
Cry Out To Jesus by Third Day
To everyone who's lost someone they love
Long before it was their time
You feel like the days you had were not enough
When you said goodbye
And to all of the people with burdens and pains
Keeping you back from your life
You believe that there's nothing and there is no one
Who can make it right
There is hope for the helpless, rest for the weary
Love for the broken heart
There is grace and forgiveness, mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus, cry out to Jesus
For the marriage that's struggling just to hang on
They've lost all of their faith in love
And they've done all they can to make it right again
Still, it's not enough
For the ones who can't break the addictions and chains
You try to give up, but you come back again
Just remember that you're not alone in your shame and your suffering
When you're lonely, and it feels like the whole world is falling on you
You just reach out, you just cry out to Jesus, cry out to Jesus
To the widow who suffers from being alone, wiping the tears from her eyes
For the children around the world without a home
Say a prayer tonight
Cry Out To Jesus by Third Day
To everyone who's lost someone they love
Long before it was their time
You feel like the days you had were not enough
When you said goodbye
And to all of the people with burdens and pains
Keeping you back from your life
You believe that there's nothing and there is no one
Who can make it right
There is hope for the helpless, rest for the weary
Love for the broken heart
There is grace and forgiveness, mercy and healing
He'll meet you wherever you are
Cry out to Jesus, cry out to Jesus
For the marriage that's struggling just to hang on
They've lost all of their faith in love
And they've done all they can to make it right again
Still, it's not enough
For the ones who can't break the addictions and chains
You try to give up, but you come back again
Just remember that you're not alone in your shame and your suffering
When you're lonely, and it feels like the whole world is falling on you
You just reach out, you just cry out to Jesus, cry out to Jesus
To the widow who suffers from being alone, wiping the tears from her eyes
For the children around the world without a home
Say a prayer tonight
Count Your Blessings....
Each and every day I find that I need to look around and see just how good I have it. When the worst things going on around me personally are not having enough money for home projects, losing sleep from being up with my healthy baby boy, or arguing with Bob over what to have for dinner ( :) ) then I'd say I have it pretty good.
There are so many people around me, or that I hear of, that are going through situations that I fear for the day it comes knocking at my door. So many people that I love that are hurting right now. I am a fixer. I want to fix it for them. I want to take their pain away. Whether emotional, physical or both....oh how I wish I could fix it. But there's someone that can. Accepting Christ doesn't mean the pain will go away, that the situation will radically change. But Jesus takes that burden away. Does it mean you won't hurt? That the worst will not happen? Not at all. But the radical difference in your outlook on the situation, the hope in something greater than what rests on this earth....that makes it more bearable.
To those going through situations right now that seem so unbearable...call on Jesus. It'll be the greatest move you ever make. And remember...we're praying for you.
To those not facing the toughest of the tough....pray for those that are...
And look around at just how good you have it right now.
There are so many people around me, or that I hear of, that are going through situations that I fear for the day it comes knocking at my door. So many people that I love that are hurting right now. I am a fixer. I want to fix it for them. I want to take their pain away. Whether emotional, physical or both....oh how I wish I could fix it. But there's someone that can. Accepting Christ doesn't mean the pain will go away, that the situation will radically change. But Jesus takes that burden away. Does it mean you won't hurt? That the worst will not happen? Not at all. But the radical difference in your outlook on the situation, the hope in something greater than what rests on this earth....that makes it more bearable.
To those going through situations right now that seem so unbearable...call on Jesus. It'll be the greatest move you ever make. And remember...we're praying for you.
To those not facing the toughest of the tough....pray for those that are...
And look around at just how good you have it right now.
What Maleah's Doing....
She is currently sitting in the middle of our living room floor....on a towel with a changing pad underneath....giving her babies bubble baths. You would not believe how happy she gets to fill a bowl with bubbles and use her baby bathtub and wash them all. She makes a mess all over herself and washes herself more than her babies....but she absolutely loves getting to do it!
She's an absolute doll :)
I thought I'd add a few pictures....I don't think I've done that in awhile...


She's an absolute doll :)
I thought I'd add a few pictures....I don't think I've done that in awhile...


The bicyclists get on my nerves!
I was so frustrated. We were coming up Paint Street and there were many in front of me and about 3 behind me. I was going to turn down 2nd St...but the 3 stupid people (and I mean that) behind me decided to pass me on my right-hand side at that moment. I thought they were supposed to obey regular traffic laws?! Anyway, I decided to go down to Main St. instead....and there were more coming up behind me. I got in the right hand lane but the light was red. They all start passing me, totally surrounding my car. I am a polite driver, but I wanted to lay on my horn. That's a good way to get run over, for crying out loud!
A good note....I did get to see one of them fall down off their bike. That felt sort of sweet :)
Evil Miranda must be coming out thru this!
I was so frustrated. We were coming up Paint Street and there were many in front of me and about 3 behind me. I was going to turn down 2nd St...but the 3 stupid people (and I mean that) behind me decided to pass me on my right-hand side at that moment. I thought they were supposed to obey regular traffic laws?! Anyway, I decided to go down to Main St. instead....and there were more coming up behind me. I got in the right hand lane but the light was red. They all start passing me, totally surrounding my car. I am a polite driver, but I wanted to lay on my horn. That's a good way to get run over, for crying out loud!
A good note....I did get to see one of them fall down off their bike. That felt sort of sweet :)
Evil Miranda must be coming out thru this!
Alex Update...
I took Alex to the doctor on Thursday and here's the updates:
1. He weighed in at 10 lbs 4 oz....so he's gained 2 lbs since birth. :)
2. He measured in at a whopping 24" long! (Keep in mind he was born at 21.5") He's above the doc's 100% mark for height.
3. He got a treatment for thrush...a one time treatment inside his mouth. It looked like he chewed on an ink pen. It was purple dye stuff....and it got 6 spots on top of his head that look funny. They still haven't gone away....that stuff is STRONG!
4. He still had his umbilical cord stump when I went in that morning. One month and one day old...and that thing STILL hadn't fallen off! Bob changed him that evening...and it FINALLY did! Gotta be close to a record! Geesh!
He's excellent. Growing so fast and getting so big! I'm so proud of him :)
1. He weighed in at 10 lbs 4 oz....so he's gained 2 lbs since birth. :)
2. He measured in at a whopping 24" long! (Keep in mind he was born at 21.5") He's above the doc's 100% mark for height.
3. He got a treatment for thrush...a one time treatment inside his mouth. It looked like he chewed on an ink pen. It was purple dye stuff....and it got 6 spots on top of his head that look funny. They still haven't gone away....that stuff is STRONG!
4. He still had his umbilical cord stump when I went in that morning. One month and one day old...and that thing STILL hadn't fallen off! Bob changed him that evening...and it FINALLY did! Gotta be close to a record! Geesh!
He's excellent. Growing so fast and getting so big! I'm so proud of him :)
Wish someone would have told me....
I wish someone would have told me how quickly Maleah would grow up. Not just in life in general...though I still can't believe that she's 2...but with having Alex.
Sunday night, April 5th, I went to bed and she was my baby. April 7th, I came home, and she wasn't a baby anymore.
If I'd have known just how fast she would seem so incredibly big, I would have held her longer that Sunday night....I would have let her stay up a little later....made sure I got down (no matter how uncomfortable I would be) and played with her all day long. I would have made that day last.
She'll always be my baby girl....but she is definately NOT a baby anymore.
I am so incredibly proud of her (even in her fit-throwing, I'm not listening to you and I'm rolling my eyes moments). She's an amazing little girl and getting bigger by the day. She moved up out of her nursery class and she was so excited to be playing with the big kids. She amazes me day by day and moment by moment. She's totally awesome.
But if I'd have known she'd grow up that fast.....I'd have held on just a little longer....
Sunday night, April 5th, I went to bed and she was my baby. April 7th, I came home, and she wasn't a baby anymore.
If I'd have known just how fast she would seem so incredibly big, I would have held her longer that Sunday night....I would have let her stay up a little later....made sure I got down (no matter how uncomfortable I would be) and played with her all day long. I would have made that day last.
She'll always be my baby girl....but she is definately NOT a baby anymore.
I am so incredibly proud of her (even in her fit-throwing, I'm not listening to you and I'm rolling my eyes moments). She's an amazing little girl and getting bigger by the day. She moved up out of her nursery class and she was so excited to be playing with the big kids. She amazes me day by day and moment by moment. She's totally awesome.
But if I'd have known she'd grow up that fast.....I'd have held on just a little longer....
One Month Already!!!
Alex is one month old today. I cannot believe it! This month seems to have flown! He's getting a little chunky and I'm going to have to start putting cereal in his bottle because he's eating sooo frequently! He has his appointment tomorrow...I cannot wait to see how much he weighs and how long he is! For those of you who haven't seen him since he's been born....you must see him before he starts walking around! I'll update on his appointment tomorrow. The dumb umbilical cord stump is STILL there....from what I've read we shouldn't be worried...but come on! It's been there for a MONTH!
On a side note...Maleah is enjoying Alex alot more :) She was giving him tea to drink yesterday from her tea party :) She loves to help with him too!
A side note to my side note....she now knows how to use a computer mouse. She'll play her own videos on the computer from her DVD and from iTunes. Cracks me up :)
You should see her too. She's getting so big and talking so so so big. :)
On a side note...Maleah is enjoying Alex alot more :) She was giving him tea to drink yesterday from her tea party :) She loves to help with him too!
A side note to my side note....she now knows how to use a computer mouse. She'll play her own videos on the computer from her DVD and from iTunes. Cracks me up :)
You should see her too. She's getting so big and talking so so so big. :)
Maleah in Alex's Shorts!
My Girl...
I just had to blog about this. I'm inside cleaning...Alex is sleeping...Maleah is outside playing with her daddy...in the shorts we just bought for Alex. They're 3-6 months...and yes, they fit. She is adorable in them. :) Blue plaid. Wearing a boy's blue Adidas shirt too. With her pink sandals. Cute :)
Update on Us :)
Well, I assume everyone knows....Alex is here! He came on Monday, April 6th. :) He's awesome and adorable as can be :) Pray for him, as we had a weight check today and he's still not back to his birth weight...and as much and as frequently as he eats...I don't see how that's possible. He's totally fantastic though. :) I'm going to be so sad when Bob goes back to work Monday :( I've enjoyed this last week and a half having all 4 of us together. That's rigth! There's 4 of us now :) So awesome!
There's probably lots to update on but I just don't have the time! I wanted to post a few pictures though!




There's probably lots to update on but I just don't have the time! I wanted to post a few pictures though!




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Due in 4 Days....And NOTHIN'!
So here we are...the Saturday before our due date...totally having expected that Mr. Alex would have greeted us by now....and NOTHIN'! He's still snug as a bug in a rug! I am beginning to wonder if we'll ever get blessed with his wonderful presence! Maleah probably doesn't even believe he's real anymore...we tell her "No, that's for Alex" and "Look, this is for Alex" and she's probably wondering "Who in the world is Alex!?"....So keep praying for us...he's got to come out sooner or later!!! ;)
There is too much to share about my girl and just not enough time! If you haven't been able to be around her lately....you are totally missing out! She's so awesome! She is talking like a big girl :) She says so many things. One of my favorite sayings of hers is "Oh, yes". Not "yeah" but "yes". She's so exact in certain things she does...things have to be done a certain way, put in a certain place, etc. She's so much like me in ways you can't even teach! She's got busy hands and loves to give these hugs that just wrap around your entire body :) She loves to do things all by herself, but will let you help after trying and not succeeding. She loves to be outside. She knows which direction is "Mama's house" and "Papa's house". She sees the phone and assumes I've got to call Mama. :) She's a picky eater who loves pringles cheez'ums. She eats the filling out of the oreos, but doesn't always want the cookie. She loves big kids but also loves to play by herself. She loves to read and I LOVE the way she suggests something and then makes it sound like it's YOUR idea!
I'd share more....but I've got to finish getting ready!
I'd share more....but I've got to finish getting ready!
Update on Baby "I'm Never Coming Out of Here" Alex! :)
I'm 39 weeks today....and had my appointment yesterday. Nothing has changed! Maleah made my little guy a condo and he's perfectly happy living there! We go for another appointment next Monday (assuming he won't have come out by then) and if nothing happens....more than likely I'm going to be induced at some point. But he's doing great! We've all been sick with this or that....but hopefully it's to the end of it for all of us. We certainly don't want little Alex born into lots of sickness where no one can come see him! He's awesome though...I'm just SOOOO ready to meet him!!!
Sumburger Drive-In
Thought I'd share a little something about our weekend....
We had lots of errands to run yesterday, and it was just after noon and we still wanted to run to Kmart to check out their baby stuff...Maleah was getting hungry and wanted french fries so we decided to go to Sumburger because we rarely ever get it and it was right across the street...
So we decided to pull up to one of the drive-in spots. It was good, the food was excellent. Maleah wouldn't eat her fries, and Bob spilled mine on the floor and console...but it was still a good meal. We were just finishing up and I told Bob that I wished that we'd gone there more back when we dated. He agreed, because you can sit in your car and eat and not worry about everyone staring at you. Then a car pulls in just diagnal from us. Probably atleast 20 empty spaces, and they had to pull in right there. So we started discussing needing one of those windshield blockers to put up so that no one could watch us eat...
The next thing I know, as Bob's trying to polish off the fries...the man and woman in the car across from us are making out! And I mean REALLY going at it! So here we are, at a FAMILY restaurant, sitting in our car with a 2 year old...and THAT is what we have to see! Well, me. Bob didn't see. I told him to look because if they were going to do it where everyone can see then we might as well ;) He wouldn't. Don't blame him. Here it is NOON on a SATURDAY and they're making out like they're at a drive-in movie theater!
Needless to say Bob was done with his fries. We pulled away and trashed the left-overs.
So now I must clarify....when I mentioned we should have gone there more when we dated, THAT was NOT what I had in mind!
We had lots of errands to run yesterday, and it was just after noon and we still wanted to run to Kmart to check out their baby stuff...Maleah was getting hungry and wanted french fries so we decided to go to Sumburger because we rarely ever get it and it was right across the street...
So we decided to pull up to one of the drive-in spots. It was good, the food was excellent. Maleah wouldn't eat her fries, and Bob spilled mine on the floor and console...but it was still a good meal. We were just finishing up and I told Bob that I wished that we'd gone there more back when we dated. He agreed, because you can sit in your car and eat and not worry about everyone staring at you. Then a car pulls in just diagnal from us. Probably atleast 20 empty spaces, and they had to pull in right there. So we started discussing needing one of those windshield blockers to put up so that no one could watch us eat...
The next thing I know, as Bob's trying to polish off the fries...the man and woman in the car across from us are making out! And I mean REALLY going at it! So here we are, at a FAMILY restaurant, sitting in our car with a 2 year old...and THAT is what we have to see! Well, me. Bob didn't see. I told him to look because if they were going to do it where everyone can see then we might as well ;) He wouldn't. Don't blame him. Here it is NOON on a SATURDAY and they're making out like they're at a drive-in movie theater!
Needless to say Bob was done with his fries. We pulled away and trashed the left-overs.
So now I must clarify....when I mentioned we should have gone there more when we dated, THAT was NOT what I had in mind!
NOT Feeling the Love....
So I got Maleah ready this morning, fit-throwing and all, avoiding kicks to the stomach. She didn't want to leave. We HAD to go. We were already running too late. We got to Stacy's and I still had to go get gas, and my girl....who was all abusive this morning....would not even tell me goodbye. Wouldn't give me hugs...kisses...nothing. I wish I could say I just shrugged it off...but I didn't. I cried. I still feel like crying. I feel like crap. I hope it's not a crappy day. Right now it sure FEELS like a crappy day.
Sorry for being such a downer. :(
Sorry for being such a downer. :(
Feeling the Love...
It's been so long :( I'm so sorry about that!
In the last few months I've been busy with working, etc....and I haven't been able to find the time to get on here much! Trying to get caught up for a 3 month leave is difficult!
In the last month, I was thrown 2 baby showers. My family threw me one and my work threw me the other. I feel so loved when I see how many people really care enough to make the time to go, as well as supporting us in helping Alex's supply grow. We went from having no baby boy clothes to hopefully enough to get us through these first few months! We've got our "big" items we needed, and are stocking up now on diapers, wipes, etc....but people are so amazing. :) Sometimes you can go around feeling like no one cares about you....but that's certainly not a complaint I can muster :) Not after the love people have shown us! We are so very appreciative of everyone in our lives....and sooon I will be sending out the Thank You cards! Promise!
There's been alot going on....but for now....I just feel so blessed and wanted to share that.
P.S. We're 36 weeks today....so be praying for us because it's getting close! You'd think after having Maleah it would feel more real...but it doesn't. I STILL can't imagine having a newborn in the house! Can't imagine having a baby boy....getting to lose sleep all over again...getting time off with them....I'm so excited and scared! :) I can't even IMAGINE how many times he's going to pee on me! :)
In the last few months I've been busy with working, etc....and I haven't been able to find the time to get on here much! Trying to get caught up for a 3 month leave is difficult!
In the last month, I was thrown 2 baby showers. My family threw me one and my work threw me the other. I feel so loved when I see how many people really care enough to make the time to go, as well as supporting us in helping Alex's supply grow. We went from having no baby boy clothes to hopefully enough to get us through these first few months! We've got our "big" items we needed, and are stocking up now on diapers, wipes, etc....but people are so amazing. :) Sometimes you can go around feeling like no one cares about you....but that's certainly not a complaint I can muster :) Not after the love people have shown us! We are so very appreciative of everyone in our lives....and sooon I will be sending out the Thank You cards! Promise!
There's been alot going on....but for now....I just feel so blessed and wanted to share that.
P.S. We're 36 weeks today....so be praying for us because it's getting close! You'd think after having Maleah it would feel more real...but it doesn't. I STILL can't imagine having a newborn in the house! Can't imagine having a baby boy....getting to lose sleep all over again...getting time off with them....I'm so excited and scared! :) I can't even IMAGINE how many times he's going to pee on me! :)
Bob's Confessions #4
I haven't done one of these in awhile so I thought I would. I was going through all of the dumb things I've said and done over the course of the last 28+ years to come up with a confession...
What I found is that spilling your guts on a blog sucks. Anyhow, here's something for you:
I bawled my eyes out watching The Notebook.
That is the single greatest love story movie of all time. It was some amazing writing and acting... and I will never watch it again.
I have no problem admitting that I cry from time to time. Mostly over very sad things. That movie... had some seriously sad parts.
I sobbed over "It Won't Be Like This For Long" by Darius Rucker (formerly of Hootie & the Blowfish). If you haven't heard this song and you have a child.. don't listen to it.
Why did I cry over the movie? Because it was about loving someone so much that you'd give everything just for a few seconds with them.
Why did I cry over the song? Because it was about your little girl growing up and not being little anymore.
I love Miranda and Maleah with all of my heart... That's why I cried.
What I found is that spilling your guts on a blog sucks. Anyhow, here's something for you:
I bawled my eyes out watching The Notebook.
That is the single greatest love story movie of all time. It was some amazing writing and acting... and I will never watch it again.
I have no problem admitting that I cry from time to time. Mostly over very sad things. That movie... had some seriously sad parts.
I sobbed over "It Won't Be Like This For Long" by Darius Rucker (formerly of Hootie & the Blowfish). If you haven't heard this song and you have a child.. don't listen to it.
Why did I cry over the movie? Because it was about loving someone so much that you'd give everything just for a few seconds with them.
Why did I cry over the song? Because it was about your little girl growing up and not being little anymore.
I love Miranda and Maleah with all of my heart... That's why I cried.
Some Quick Updates!
Sorry it's been SOOOO long since I got on here. I know people are wondering about how things are going...
We had a huge virus hit us at work...so our computers were down and now we're on a "lockdown" type mode. I don't feel comfortable getting on my blog at lunch or anything...so if it's not the Gazette's website...I'm not on it! Sorry for that because my time at home has been pretty limited too!
Bob's job is fine as far as we know. He said some people are still finding out here and there that they've lost theirs. He's heard nothing so far so we assume he's safe. Thank you all for your prayers! :)
Maleah is fantastic! She's 2 now of course. We had her birthday, and then little Corbin arrived on Kaitlyn's party day :) It was a hectic January, but things have calmed down since :) I'm done working Saturdays and am currently still working 5 days, hoping to get it down to 4 for a few weeks before our little Alex arrives. Maleah needs some "Me & Mommmy" days :) I miss those Fridays off with her :( Hopefully they come again soon.
She peed in the potty Friday night :) She's not potty trained, but I'm so proud of her for recognizing that she needed to go, and then going, even though some ran down her leg and she said she had to "poop". :) She's getting to be such a big girl!!!
Alex is doing well too. He moves around so strong in there! Sometimes it takes me off guard. It's such a blessing. This has been a much easier pregnancy than with Maleah. I'm sure Bob's thankful...I can still put on my own socks and shoes :) He was doing it for me long before this point with Maleah because of all the swelling. I'm almost 34 weeks...Maleah came at 38....it's SO CLOSE!!!! Keep us in your prayers that everything falls together in the next month. I've requested 12 weeks at work for maternity leave...and I'm not 100% sure if I was granted that or not...so pray that I get my time to spend with my babies :)
We taught 4-5 year olds for the month of February during worship....have to say though I love those kids...I'm glad that is over for a few months! Talk about EXHAUSTING!
I'm pretty sure that's a small taste of everything. Oh, and my dad helped paint and do Alex's room....He painted the George's for us to put on the walls...he is so awesome!!!!! :)




We had a huge virus hit us at work...so our computers were down and now we're on a "lockdown" type mode. I don't feel comfortable getting on my blog at lunch or anything...so if it's not the Gazette's website...I'm not on it! Sorry for that because my time at home has been pretty limited too!
Bob's job is fine as far as we know. He said some people are still finding out here and there that they've lost theirs. He's heard nothing so far so we assume he's safe. Thank you all for your prayers! :)
Maleah is fantastic! She's 2 now of course. We had her birthday, and then little Corbin arrived on Kaitlyn's party day :) It was a hectic January, but things have calmed down since :) I'm done working Saturdays and am currently still working 5 days, hoping to get it down to 4 for a few weeks before our little Alex arrives. Maleah needs some "Me & Mommmy" days :) I miss those Fridays off with her :( Hopefully they come again soon.
She peed in the potty Friday night :) She's not potty trained, but I'm so proud of her for recognizing that she needed to go, and then going, even though some ran down her leg and she said she had to "poop". :) She's getting to be such a big girl!!!
Alex is doing well too. He moves around so strong in there! Sometimes it takes me off guard. It's such a blessing. This has been a much easier pregnancy than with Maleah. I'm sure Bob's thankful...I can still put on my own socks and shoes :) He was doing it for me long before this point with Maleah because of all the swelling. I'm almost 34 weeks...Maleah came at 38....it's SO CLOSE!!!! Keep us in your prayers that everything falls together in the next month. I've requested 12 weeks at work for maternity leave...and I'm not 100% sure if I was granted that or not...so pray that I get my time to spend with my babies :)
We taught 4-5 year olds for the month of February during worship....have to say though I love those kids...I'm glad that is over for a few months! Talk about EXHAUSTING!
I'm pretty sure that's a small taste of everything. Oh, and my dad helped paint and do Alex's room....He painted the George's for us to put on the walls...he is so awesome!!!!! :)





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