
Confession #41

Sleeping. Everyone has their own little bedtime routine. Mine, like everything else in my life, is a little crazy.

When I was little, I HAD to "blow out the light". After my parents told me goodnight, I would always blow as they turned the light out.

I also had to sleep with my special panda bear. One night, I was getting ready to sleep, and my panda bear's back was ripped open. I was so upset. I cried. I couldn't sleep without him. So my wonderful mom got out her sewing kit and sewed him back together for me, just so I could sleep. I still have to sleep with something in my arms. It's now a travel-size pillow...but sometimes I wake up thinking it is Maleah...a little creepy when you are groggy.

I have always had to sleep with a fan. It drowns out house noises. I still do. Or I did before we had Maleah. Now I have the noise of the baby monitor to drone me to sleep.

Up until the last year, I could NOT sleep if Bob did not say, in this exact order, "Good night" "Sweet Dreams" "I Love You" "Goodnight". He started it. That was the only way I knew he was going to fall asleep. So he had to do the routine so I would know, ok he's sleeping now. Now I'm a little more flexible. :)


Bob Speakman said...

You're a lot more flexible now. We've even said our goodnights and went straight to bed! :)

I am enjoying your blog so much. You've developed something in a few short months that I have still yet to conquer in my 3+ years of blogging - a niche. People enjoy reading your blog because it is you - plain and simple. The writing is excellent, your wit is enjoyable, and your humor is refreshing. I am so glad I set this up for you.

Matt Bruning said...

OCD Miranda LOL! Chelsea is like that too....though I don't know about the sleeping thing...yet.