
Confession #31

Columbus Day and Vanilla Coke Zero....

The celebration of Columbus Day has irked me for a long time. It truly grates my nerves. I know and fully understand that I would not be in this country were in not for Chris Columbus...But that doesn't change my view. Why do we say he "discovered" America??? He found something THEY didn't know about....However, the fact that it was already inhabited tells me that it had already been "discovered". He found it. Good for him. It was a place for them to explore, and conquer. However, he didn't DISCOVER it. If he did, then it makes us a people who "discover" stuff all of the time.

Take this for example...Bob, Maleah and I were at Walmart last weekend. Bob comes back to the cart with Vanilla Coke Zero...something neither of us knew they made. So you know what? He DISCOVERED it! It was there, yes. Maybe others even knew about it. But HE didn't know about it! Therefore, when he found it, he DISCOVERED it! Maybe we should declare a day for him!

Join me next May 26 in celebrating Bob Speakman Day! :)

*This post is the opinion of the poster and was not intended to offend anyone who thoroughly loves to celebrate Columbus Day.

But COME ON! :)


Anonymous said...

haha, that made my morning :)

Bob Speakman said...

Every day should be Bob Speakman day! Yeah the Columbus Day makes me mad too. Don't worry about offending anyone. I think you might actually be fine on voicing your opinion without huring someone...for once!