
I miss her!!!

Today starts my 9 hour I will be seeing Maleah one whole hour later than usual. I miss her so much. It was SO hard leaving her this morning. These past few weeks I've had mostly 3 day weekends...and this was my last 2 day weekend for awhile. It didn't feel like I got enough time with her. It hurts to leave her. I don't like leaving her with anyone. Maybe that's bad of me. We've had offers of babysitters so we can go out. We both love spending so much time with each other and with her as a family that I don't want to leave her! I just have to remember that this week I am working late to spend every Friday with her! Yay! :)

1 comment:

Bob Speakman said...

I can't explain it. I thought I would be jumping at the chance to go out and leave Maleah with someone...but I feel like we don't get enough time with her as it is. Plus, the one time we did go out we talked and thought about her the entire time! :)