
Confession #60

Melissa stories....they get WORSE....apparently being an awesome friend doesn't mean she was a fantastic influence!

Again, to my mom, this is the WORST thing I've ever done and not told you about....I am sorry!

In 9th grade I had a "boyfriend" for a month named Junior. Well, his real name was Kevin...but hey, Junior fits. We were "boyfriend/girlfriend" for a month...though I barely said a word to him during the day. He lived across the street from Melissa. I was feeling the pressure that I should have my first kiss...I had a boyfriend...Melissa had a boyfriend...she'd been kissed...why not me? So I concocted this brilliant idea in my head...I would "accidentally" miss the school bus and then go to Melissa's house until someone could pick me up. Easy enough plan. The problem? I never added in my plans to call my mom after the bus left and let her know I was walking home with Melissa. So I finally got ahold of her when we got to Melissa's (no kiss, by the way - which was FINE WITH ME after all!) and I called my mom. I heard the fear in her voice, and then realized the biggest part of the entire mistake that I had made, and felt like the poo stuck to the gum stuck to the bottom of an old shoe sitting in a dumpster just waiting to be tossed out for good. It sucked. I terrified her, made a really dumb mistake, hurt her, hurt myself...and all for NOTHING. Literally. I think we broke up the next week anyhow.


Again, I'm so sorry I never fessed up to this sooner. I feel like a heal. I promise the next one is the last!


Bob Speakman said...

I'm going to pay "Junior" a visit one of these days! Then again...if you had kissed we may not be together. You'd be Mrs. Miranda Junior and you would have a son named Cletus. Sad...

Anonymous said...

You did keep secrets from me! I am so hurt.